Founder and Patient Relations and Communication Manager
- Rosyana has 14 years of professional experience in the sphere of: public relations; public communications, including developing and conducting awareness campaigns; health and social PR; working with NGOs;
Working with government institutions; working on projects under the Administrative Capacity Operational Programme; institutional brand management; organization of special events and coordination and branding of corporate events; management of online communication campaigns; media analyses and media monitoring. - Rosyana participated in the planning, management and organization of national and public campaigns promoting social inclusion, cross-border cooperation, patient organizations, etc. She worked as a PR expert on the PHARE program project Cross-border Cooperation in the Field of Prevention, Surveillance and Control of Endemic Diseases and Parasitoses between Bulgaria and Greece, she was a PR manager of the Healthy Lungs for Life 2010 National information campaign of the Bulgarian Respiratory Society. Rosyana also assisted with several corporate
brand management projects: Dom, Zdrave and Regents Property Advisors. - Rosyana has 13 years of professional experience in the sphere of: public relations; public communications, including developing and conducting awareness campaigns; health and social PR; working with NGOs;
working with government institutions; working on projects under the Administrative Capacity Operational Programme; institutional brand management; organization of special events and coordination and branding of corporate events; management of online communication campaigns; media analyses and media monitoring. - Rosyana participated in the planning, management and organization of national and public campaigns promoting social inclusion, cross-border cooperation, patient organizations, etc. She worked as a PR expert on the PHARE program project Cross-border Cooperation in the Field of Prevention, Surveillance and Control of Endemic Diseases and Parasitoses between Bulgaria and Greece, she was a PR manager of the Healthy Lungs for Life 2010 National information campaign of the Bulgarian Respiratory Society. Rosyana also assisted with several corporate
brand management projects: Dom, Zdrave and Regents Property. Rosyana is PR consultant to the Association of Parents of Children with Epilepsy, which is a member of the International Bureau of Epilepsy and the Association of Bulgarians Suffering from Asthma. She is also on the team of the Water Tower Art Fest international art festival. - Rosyana graduated from New Bulgarian University (NBU) with a major in Mass Communication – PR and a minor in Journalism. She has a master’s degree in Semiotics and Brand Management. She completed her secondary education at the National High School of Business and Banking qualifying as an economist and accountant. She also completed training to acquire key competences in the field of healthcare and health insurance. She participated
in the 15th Early Autumn School on Semiotics and in the intensive lifelong learning Erasmus program School on Semiotics – Socio-Semiotics III; the 7th Summer PR School of NBU on Sports and Communications and a NLP training on the Art of Successful Presentation of MLC International onsulting Group.
t: +359 897 921690