Portal na placenta (Patient portal) and Acibadem City Clinic UMBAL organized a webinar for patients
Every 40 seconds, someone in the world dies of suicide
Speak up for patient safety!
Тhis year’s campaign was conducted in partnership with the most popular and the most visited health-oriented online media in Bulgaria.The information campaign reached over 3,000,000 Bulgarians.
Creation and official launch of the first online platform in Bulgaria for awareness of the most common socially significant diseases
INFORMATION CAMPAIGN FOR SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH “FOR EVERY SINGLE HEARTBEAT” AND THE ROLE OF IMPLANTABLE CARDIOVERTER DEFIBRILLATORS (ICD) Preparation of a PR strategy and a PR action plan Organizing PR , information campaign press conference Media relations and media publications, Preparation of a list...
Brand number one against colds and flu in Bulgaria