Three events in one: for endocrinologists, patients and surgeons
Curiosity Health Science Conference powered by Merck
CAMPAIGN: Openly for Hidden Things Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) – a rare disease CASE: There are many HS patients in Bulgaria who cannot get the correct diagnosis. Sometimes it takes from 5 to 8 years. Doctors fail to recognize the symptoms and the institutions do...
Wake Up Campaign (Пробуди се) – to empower Bulgarian IMIDs patients to be more actively involved in the treatment decisions
PROJECT: Creating an online platform: Media relations and media publications Create brand identity – website, logo; Raise awareness among patients, institutions, journalists, and the society as a whole Empower opinion leaders among doctors and patients Educate people that thyroid conditions have a genetic...
PROJECT: World Rare Disease Day – Care about Rare Media relations and media publications Press conference in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, with the participation of the deputy-minister of health and the chairman of the commission on rare diseases Increase public awareness of rare...
PROJECT: World Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) Day 19TH May 2016 Media relations and media publications Special event Increase public awareness of IBDs and the acceptance of patients through media coverage, and a special event for the general public Empower Bulgarian patients with IBDs by providing...
PROJECT: World Inflammatory Bowel Disease Day 19th May 2017 Media relations and publications in the media Preconference and launching free consultations at Tsaritsa Yoanna – ISUL University Hospital Increase public awareness of IBDs and the acceptance of IBD patients through media coverage, and a...